Thursday, December 19, 2019

Rotary Chronology

The first Rotary club, 1905
Chicago attorney Paul P. Harris convenes the first Rotary club meeting on 23 February 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Harris envisions a professional club that brings together local men from a variety of vocations. Shown here are the first four Rotarians: Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, Hiram Shorey, and Paul P. Harris.

Rotary Foundation beginnings, 1917
At Rotary's 1917 convention, Arch C. Klumph, then president, proposes establishing an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world,” which becomes a precursor to The Rotary Foundation.

Rotary and the United Nations, 1945
Rotary International serves as a consultant to the United States delegation at the United Nations charter conference in San Francisco, California, USA. Eleven people officially represent Rotary in this capacity. Other Rotary members attend as delegates from and consultants to their countries.  

Interact, 1962
Students at Melbourne High School, in Florida, USA, form the first Interact club in November 1962. Interact empowers students in intermediate and secondary school to learn leadership skills.

Rotaract, 1968
Rotary's program for college-age students and young professionals begins with the Rotaract Club of the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, in the United States in March 1968.

Rotary International begins its fight against polio, 1979
A multiyear grant project to immunize children in the Philippines launches Rotary International's fight to eradicate polio. 

Rotary launches PolioPlus, 1985
PolioPlus supports the commitment Rotary made a few years earlier to “eliminate polio though immunization.” Today, that commitment remains Rotary’s top priority, and the PolioPlus program coordinates the efforts of Rotary and its partners.

Women in Rotary, 1987 and 1989
In 1987, women begin to join Rotary clubs throughout the United States following a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1989, they join clubs worldwide following action by Rotary's Council on Legislation.

Rotary Peace Centers, 1999
Trustees vote to create the Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution, now known as Rotary Peace Centers. The first class of Rotary Peace Fellows will begin studies in 2002.

District and global grants begin, 2013
The Rotary Foundation introduces a simplified grant model that includes district and global grants to fund Rotarians' service efforts. From providing clean water and sanitation to supporting basic education and literacy, Rotary Foundation grants bring service project ideas to life. Since 2013, we've awarded 2,466 district grants totaling $126 million, and 5,677 global grants totaling $332 million.

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